Friday, April 5, 2013

Multiple Me

This is actually a painting that I painted two years ago. It’s obvious that I am a horrible painter and should stick with 3-D art, but I have to admit this was one of my most powerful paintings. The painting may look violent because it shows that a girl is being bullied by two other girls, but actually it was just representing how I was emotionally harming myself. Freshman year was tough for me and I would always find myself gloomy. The three girls in the painting all represent me, and they represent my multiple emotions. Whenever I do something wrong, I tend to blame myself and treat myself badly. I never talked to anyone about this problem because I find it too personally, but now (two years later) I feel more comfortable sharing it because I no longer have that problem.

1 comment:

  1. A great example of how art can help with therapy and sorting out one's emotions.
